Get a Quick Estimate

Discover your potential Child Care Subsidy (CCS) with a few quick questions. This government payment assists families with childcare expenses by directly subsidising fees paid to St Luke's Early Learning Community.

Your out-of-pocket costs vary based on your family's circumstances and entitlements. Keep your details up-to-date to ensure you receive optimal support and care.

Child Care Subsidy Estimator

Let's Begin...

Do you already know your Child Care Subsidy percentage (%)?


How many hours of work or another recognised activity do you do per fortnight?

How many children will you have in long child care?


Child 1

What type of service will your child be attending?

$Per Day
Per DayHours
Per WeekDays
Per YearWeeks

Child 2

What type of service will your child be attending?

$Per Day
Per DayHours
Per WeekDays
Per YearWeeks

Child 3

What type of service will your child be attending?

$Per Day
Per DayHours
Per WeekDays
Per YearWeeks


You Child Fees
Child 1 Summary Weekly AverageQuarterly AverageYearly
Total Child Care Fees
Total Child Care Subsidy
Total Child Care Subsidy Withholding
Total Child Care Subsidy Paid to Service Provider
Total Out-of-pocket Child Care Cost
Child 2 Summary
Total Child Care Fees
Total Child Care Subsidy
Total Child Care Subsidy Withholding
Total Child Care Subsidy Paid to Service Provider
Total Out-of-pocket Child Care Cost
Child 3 Summary
Total Child Care Fees
Total Child Care Subsidy
Total Child Care Subsidy Withholding
Total Child Care Subsidy Paid to Service Provider
Total Out-of-pocket Child Care Cost